Thursday, September 06, 2007

Watercoloring class

~my painting~

~the photograph~

Yesterday was my first watercoloring class. People were so intimidating with their 50 brushes and fancy store-bought palettes while I was there with my pathetic stash of 3 brushes and a disposable lid (AKA, my palette). I was freaking out, "This is supposed to be a beginner's class!!!"

So the teacher did a demonstration and everyone oohed and ahhed and then immediately started to do their own painting. I did some sputtering, "Not even any hand-holding?! What about color theory? and brush techniques?? What am I supposed to do?!?"

Just cuz I was freaking out on the inside doesn't mean I didn't know how to be a poser. I was cool as a cucumber. I told myself, "Ah heck! Why not go nuts?! If I really suck, it's not like I have to come back again." So I acted like everyone else. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right? I went nuts with my paint and just let myself go. I didn't even freak when the colors from one pan ran into the adjacent pans. Now THAT'S a big accomplishment for a Virgo perfectionist!

Welps, I had lots of fun and my painting didn't turn out half bad either! Don't ask me how I did it. I don't know either. I was so proud of myself for letting go and leaving that stick that's usually up my butt at home. Lesson learned: Just go with it. Stop trying to control the watercolor. Don't resist the flowing nature of water. Let it do its thing. It will still end up beautiful. Just like life, right?


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