Saturday, May 24, 2008

Bridal Nail Party

Clockwise from top left: Me, Lucy, Connie, & Sophia

Sophia and we bridesmaids had our nails done yesday. This was my very first time getting a manicure and pedicure. I think it might be my last time getting them too. I just don't like having these poor ladies sitting by my feet working so hard. I can't imagine having to touch people's feet for a living. Ugh, what if the customers have feet fungus? They don't even wear gloves. Blechhh!!
But on a more positive note, dinner at a Korean Tofu place was fun. We talked about the wedding schedule, Charlton, Wesley, boyfriends in general, and all the stuff girls typically talk about when together. It was so fun. My stomach actually hurt from laughing so hard.
For example, Connie (maid of honor) is a LOT shorter than Wesley (best man), Connie said that during the rehearsal, she felt like she was on the subway when she was linked arms with him cuz his arm was so high up compared to her. haha!


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